Kinda Trade 

Our flagship product, Kinda Trade, is a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that significantly impacts the lives of women and youth in Kenya and Zambia.

Empowering SME and Women Owned Businesses

Kinda Trade promotes inclusiveness by enhancing SMEs and  women-owned businesses with direct linkage to broader markets, bypassing traditional intermediaries and reducing market entry barriers. This direct access enables these businesses to increase their sales and revenue, fostering economic independence and growth. By leveraging our platform, women entrepreneurs can efficiently connect with consumers, enhancing their business prospects and contributing to their communities’ overall economic development.

Creating Opportunities for Youth

Our platform also offers substantial opportunities for young people. Our SMEs create business and employment for delivery agents and service providers. Additionally, our Youth in Business Initiative trains and supports youth to set up virtual stores with limited capital starting from as low as USD 20. With this amount of money, a young person willing to become a trader can set up an online store and identify suppliers where they can source products upon orders. Our proof of concept completed in Kenya demonstrated that a young trader setting up a store at a monthly subscription of USD 5. Makes an average of USD 10 per day on order markups and delivery services.

Supporting Local Producers and Sustainable Growth

Kinda Trade supports local producers by providing a reliable and efficient marketplace for their goods. This support helps increase the visibility of locally manufactured agricultural products, promoting sustainable economic growth.